Lower North Shore Auckland LEGO® Themed Online Programmes
Takapuna, Devonport, Northcote, Glenfield, Wairau ParkARCHITECTURE AROUND THE WORLD
(Virtual STEAM Education Class)
Join us as we travel back in time to discover Architectural marvels across the globe.
In each lesson we will uncover the when and why these landmarks were built, looking at the History and Technology available at that time.
And we will question how well the building achieves its purpose, and discuss how technology available at that time changes how building were built, and explore the Architectural and Engineering concepts behind the landmark.
This learning is reinforced through a LEGO Building Challenge, where the students become the architect of their own masterpieces, and present their build to the class, aiming to develop a student’s own creative solutions and build on the the students’ presentation skills.
Student Age: 5-6, 7-9 Yrs
Date: From April 28, 7 weeks
Class Duration: 60 mins / Class
Price: $140 / 7 weeks
What do you need: iPad/Lap top, a 2L ice cream container size of LEGO bricks
This online programme is designed to facilitate children’s need to CONNECTsocially at a time of isolation, in the safety and comfort of their homes.
This 1 hour fun programme is guided by our friendly teacher and gives children
opporunity to EXPRESS and PRESENTtheir ideas and creativity in LEGO model building and speech presentation, aiming to develop their imagination, public speech, presentation, social and fine motor skills.
Student Age: 5-6, 7-8, 9+ Yrs
Class Duration: 60 mins
Price: $18 / Class
What do you need: iPad/Lap top, 2L Ice cream container size of LEGO bricks
Lights, camera, LEGO® action! Use LEGO® bricks to tell YOUR story, complete with music, special effects and all your favourite LEGO® characters!
In this exciting 5-day workshop, children will investigate the various roles within a Film Production Team. Children will take on each role as they learn (Junior Class) and develop (Advanced Class) their movie making skills.
- Day 1: Screenwriting & Production Design – exploring the steps from the first idea to storyboards.
- Day 2: Art Director & Costume Design – developing the storyboards into sets and characters.
- Day 3: Cinematography – Looking at lighting and movement in a stop motion animation.
- Day 4: Editing, Directing and Producing – Effectively using sound and special effects.
Student Age: Junior Class, 6-8 Yrs, Advanced Class, 9+ Yrs
Class Duration: 60 mins / day, 5 day Workshop
Price: $95 / 4 classes
What do you need: iPad/Lap Top, 2L Ice cream container size of LEGO bricks
Students will develop a range of coding and problem solving skills as they create fun video games. Each game progressively teaches more advanced capabilities within the video game design software, Students will be proud and excited to actually play their very own completed video games.
After this 10 day workshop, students will have made four different games in total, have a great understanding of basic programming, and all the tools they need to go and create their very own video game masterpiece!
Student Age: 9-13 Years Old
Class Duration: 60 mins / day, 10 days
Price: $200 / 10 Classes
What do you need: Lap top